“Marcus, although you are now the head of Bedivere family, and you took the lead in the extermination of gangs that threatened our family with destruction and death some time ago, you should not forget who pushed you to this position, who gave you the status and power you have now, and who helped you to pacify the family All kinds of objections are from us, the elders present. What we rely on is the rules passed down from one family to the present. Without these rules, the Bedivere family has not developed to the scale of today, and has long been destroyed with the death of ancestors(马库斯,虽然你是现如今贝德维尔家族的族长,而且在前段时间那场对我们家族有着破坏和致命威胁的黑帮们的剿灭活动中身先士卒,占据了很大的功劳,但是你不要忘了是谁将你推上了这个位置,是谁让你拥有了如今的地位和权势,又是谁帮你抚平了家族内部的各种异议,全都是我们这些在场的元老,而我们所凭借的就是一条条家族传承至今的规则,没有这些规则的存在,贝德维尔家族发展不到今天的规模,早就随着先祖的死亡而覆灭了).”一位留着花白络腮胡的元老恨恨出声道,眼神中透露着秃鹫般的阴狠。
马库斯脸上的神情变了变,死死盯着那名戳中自己要害的络腮胡元老,“Since you admit that I am the clan leader of this family, I will use the clan lea