马库斯却轻轻咳嗽两声,打断了那位元老和会议室内窸窸窣窣的议论声,“I think that the n-aive idea of purity of blood within the family should have been eliminated for a long time. Nowadays, there is no real distinction between dignity and nobility, and everyone is equal. My brother... The original patriarch has been expelled from the family by you, and has not brought any trouble to the family since then. Even after being chased by the gang to the death, the family has not given Lucy's father any help. Even if you call it “punishment“, I think it is enough. What's more, there's a foreign saying that it's not as bad as the family, so there's no need to extend it to his descendants. What's more, half of Lucy's body really belongs to our Bedivere family(诸位元老,家族内部所谓的血统纯洁这种幼稚想法我觉得早就应该彻底消除了,现如今这个时代可没有什么真正的尊卑贵贱之分,讲究人人平等。我的哥···当初的族长已经被你们逐出了家族,而且之后也并没有给家族带来任何麻烦,甚至被黑帮追杀到临死前家族都没有给予露西的父亲任何帮助,即使你们所谓的‘惩罚’,我觉得也已经足够多了。更何况外国有句话说得好,祸不及家人,那么就没必要延续到他的后代身上,更何况露西的体内确实有一半是属于我们贝德维尔家族的血统).”