解除隐形走上前,问血爪:“Proof of Warriors,Do you mean this?(勇士之证,你是指这个吗?)”
“Yes! In our realm, this is the sacred decree of the Fang-King: A warrior whole in body is nothing but a hollow shell until he bears the Badge of Valor! When a fighter loses his Badge, when his flesh is shattered, he is stripped of his warrior's birthright! Males shall be reclaimed! Females retain worth only as womb-vessels for breeding! King of Mortals—you defeated me in fair combat, and I bowed to your blade! But you stripped me of my Badge, you shattered my honor! Now you cast me aside like carrion! You dare treat me—me!—as less than broken pottery? THIS BETRAYAL SCARS DEEPER THAN ANY BLADE!What sin did I commit to deserve this?!(译文:是的!在我们的国度里,“牙”王这样教导我们:一个身体健全勇士只有佩戴上“勇士之证”,才是真正的勇士!当战士失去了“勇士之证”,或者身体不再完整,他们就会失去作为勇士的资格!雄性将会被“回收”!雌性则只能作为生育工具才有继续存在的价值!凡人之王啊,那场对决中,你光明正大地击败了我,我没有意见!但是,你夺走了我的“勇士之证”,夺走了我的荣誉!现在,又弃我于不顾!你不能这样对待我!我到底做错了什么,要遭受这些!?)”