u, the unruly chimpanzee. Maybe I'll be sold in case of emergency. I'd rather search the jewelry of the rich women, so I can enjoy it(我可不愿意跟你这只不讲规矩的黑猩猩一起行动,说不定遇到什么紧急情况就把我给卖了,我还是更乐意去搜刮那些富婆的珠宝首饰,这样还能好好享受一番).”
约翰明显有些心生不悦,对着马丁竖起了一根中指,眼神鄙夷地说道:“I advise you not to think about the women on this ship. Take care of your lower body. After we escape successfully, there are many bitches who come to us on their own initiative(我劝你还是不要随便打这艘船上那些女人的主意,管好你的下半身,等我们成功逃离之后,多得是倒贴上来的婊子).”
带着暗蓝色鸭舌帽的男子似乎是这些人的首领,深以为意,也开口说道:“That's how it's decided. John's brain is still easy to use, Martin. You'll join John(那就这样决定了,约翰的脑子还是比较好使的,马丁你就和约翰一组).”
“All right, all right, boss jack, who says you're the best one of us(好吧好吧,杰克老大,谁叫你是咱们当中最能打的呢).”既然老大都发话了,马丁也只好乖乖领命,但还是免不了长吁短叹一阵子,然后对着要求自己和其一组的约翰阴阳怪气地说了些不好听的言语,只不过约翰并未计较,行动的时候故意让这家伙吃点苦头就是了。
杰克压了压自己头上那顶暗蓝色鸭舌帽,尽量遮掩自己刀削般的坚毅脸庞,对着自己的伙伴们最后说道:“Tonight, we just need to control the people in the bottom cabin for the party. After my observation yesterday, mos