“How could London be like this(伦敦怎么会变成这样)?”一名脸蛋圆润,身姿却很苗条的女子问道,她的头发是罕见的绯红色,充满着魅力。
“These semi apostolic monsters should have been created by the Bedivere family(这些半使徒的怪物应该是贝德维尔家族创造的).”那名女子左后侧一位身材纤瘦的少女说道,她的眼神中充满了与年龄极其不符的沧桑,想必身上藏有许多的故事。
“But isn't that underground base destroyed by us? We have destroyed the fortified serum, and we have detained the researchers. Where are these monsters from(可是那处地下基地不是被我们破坏了吗?那些强化血清我们也破坏了,科研人员我们也拘押了,这些怪物又是从哪里来的)?”一位长相令人很能令人眼前一亮的美艳少妇说道,白色披风下的紧致着装很能凸显这位女子前凸后翘的窈窕身材。
“It seems that the guy named Marcus is well prepared. He should have been planning carefully for many years. Looking at the prison clothes they wear, I think these monsters come from one prison, maybe all the prisoners in the whole prison. It's amazing that he has such a thoug