wished to be baptised, and when they had confessed he bade them forthwith be sprinkled with holy water. As linen garments were not ready in sufficient numbers he ordered shirts to be cut up and sewn together into the fashion of wraps. One of these was forthwith clapped upon the shoulders of one of the elder men; and when he had looked all over it for a minute, he conceived fierce anger in his mind, and said to the emperor:“I have gone through this washing business here twenty times already, and I have been dressed in excellent clothes of perfect whiteness; but a sack like this is more fit for clodhoppers than for soldiers. If I were not afraid of my nakedness, for you have taken away my own clothes and have given me no new ones, I would soon leave your wrap and your Christ as well.”
查理大帝传(Vita Karoli Magni),是一部9世纪记录查理大帝生平的历史书籍,共有两篇,第一篇由艾因哈德所著,第二篇由圣高尔修道院僧侣(佚其名)所著。历史学家通常认为这部作品是第一部记录欧洲国王的作品。艾因哈德被认为在这部作品中模仿了苏埃托尼乌斯的《罗马十二帝王传》。